Media help

For explanations of specific tags, check tag encyclopedia instead.

Search help
Search for media by tag. Use "#" to separate multiple tags.
Only full tags are searchable, partial tags will return no results.

To manually search partial tags see Advanced help below.
If you have JavaScript enabled then suggestions will appear below the tag search field as you type.

Press "Enter" after typing a tag to add it to the list of tags to search. Pressing "Enter" while the search field is empty will submit the added tags to search.
HelpThis page
SlideshowBegins a slideshow of the current search results
RSSRSS feed of the current search if available
PreferencesIf you have JavaScript enabled you can customize your preferences

Options include: tags to blacklist, constraining media vertically in the browser, showing quick medium unlike button, and hiding stickers.
Basic tags
{tag}#catReturns media which have the specified tag
-{tag}#dogPrefixing a tag with "-" will omit media which have that tag
#author:{author name or handle}Used to specify the creator of a medium
#name:{subject name}Used to identify a character or person being portrayed
#source:{source title}Used to specify the source material where the content originated
#title:{title}Used to specify the title of an individual work
#filename:{filename}Used to specify the original filename of a medium
#sort:{creation | upload | color | size | likes | random}Choose how the results are sorted.
#order:{asc | desc}Choose how the results are ordered.
#perpage:{integer}Change the number of results per page.
Advanced help
~{partial tag}~{partial tag}Prefixing a partial tag with "~" will return media which have tags containing that partial tag
-~{partial tag}~{partial tag}Prefixing a partial tag with "-~" will omit media which have tags containing that partial tag
#group:{group name}Returns media which have the specified group protection and which you also have all permissions to search for

You may specify multiple group: or -group: tags to search for media with specific group permissions
A number of date formats can be parsed correctly, but it's recommended to use Atom format (Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z) e.g. 2006-01-07T13:53:10Z
#uploaded after:{date string}Returns media uploaded after the specified date
#uploaded before:{date string}Returns media uploaded before the specified date
#created after:{date string}Returns media created after the specified date
#created before:{date string}Returns media created before the specified date
#category:{medium category}Returns only media which are in the specified category

Specifying multiple category: tags will return media which match any of them, but specifying multiple -category: tags will exclude them all to narrow your search
#mimetype:{medium mimetype}Returns only media which have the specified MIME type

Specifying multiple mimetype: tags will return media which match any of them, but specifying multiple -mimetype: tags will exclude them all to narrow your search
#orientation:{landscape | portrait}Returns visual media with the specified ascpect ratio

This will omit any media that don't have dimensions (as well as omitting media which haven't been analyzed)
#smaller than:{bytesize}Returns media smaller than a filesize
#larger than:{bytesize}Returns media larger than a filesize
#data{1-6} less than:{integer}Returns media with data properties less than a specified value
#data{1-6} more than:{integer}Returns media with data properties more than a specified value
#protection:{none | groups | private}Returns media of a protection type (or -protection:{protection type} to exclude media of a protection type)
Liked media
You can like media by clicking the heart icon in the info bar of their view pages.

You can add additional likes to already liked media after a cooldown period.
The number of likes you've given is displayed as a card on your profile, and clicking this card will take you to a searchable list of your liked media, ordered by the number of likes you've given to them.

The number of likes you've given is visible to anyone, but the searchable list of which media you've liked is visible only to yourself and managers.
To unlike media you can either enable the quick unlike button in media preferences and then click the remove like icon in the info bar of media view pages, or from your liked media search click "Manage individual likes" and use the remove links there.