Dusty Old Bones

2020-05-08T21:53:33.000000+0000 by Weaver

Avatar of Weaver

It's been a long time since we had a new announcement post, so let's talk about the state of things!

New stickers! For the first time in over a year we've got a batch of 21 new stickers. Check the Gacha machine twice daily to add them to your collection, then slap 'em on pictures of your choice! You can also use them as a pseudo-bookmarking system, since you can check your public profile and sort by all pictures that you've put a given sticker on. This gives you multiple types of favorites you can sort through.

Remember that you can HIDE stickers, too! Just go to your preferences, located in the upper right of the Gallery/Search page. This is also where you can manage your blacklist. We tag content warnings aggressively, so be sure to filter out anything you don't want to see.

I've also managed to recover all the old site announcements, and should be able to restore them to the archive soon.

If you haven't checked it out already, do take a look at Mindseed, a customizable random pairing generator I wrote myself. It's got virtually all my characters in it, and I frequently use it for inspiration while doodling at random.

Other than that, the site's been chugging along just fine. I'm so grateful to have it, especially after so many years of it only being a pipe dream. Thanks again to everyone who's supported me on Patreon and made this site a reality!